Friday, 17 July 2015

Party Rice on my Mind

I love holidays… who doesn’t? But unlike other holidays were I wake up late, and spend it lazing around, I woke up early today and got busy. My house is in a mess. I have been cleaning it up for some days now in my mind…lol. Today’s holiday is an opportunity for me to actualize it. I won’t mind if you come around to lend me a helping hand.
Thanks to Islamic religion for the holiday today. Eid El Fitr is one of those holidays I used to look forward to, I still do especially when I am in Lagos. This is solely because it gives me another opportunity to eat party rice. You know how wonderful Yoruba's can be when it comes to preparing for celebrations, no body comes last as long as the stomach ministry is concerned. You see, party rice is my best food any day. My blog mother says there is nothing like party rice, but that’s her business o, I won’t stop loving part rice and looking for any opportunity to have it for my meal. I don’t know how it is prepared that makes it so unique, I hear it has something to do with the fact that it is prepare with fire wood. Whatever is the case, I want to use this opportunity to urge my wife to be (if she reads this), to better learn how to prepare party rice o…lol.
Right now, I can perceive the aroma party rice coming from my next door neighbour. She is a Muslim, and I am sure she is cooking in the spirit of the Islamic feast and very importantly, in the spirit of sharing. I have refused to cook today. My small coolers have been washed, waiting to be filled with my neighbour’s party rice… I am so happy, you can’t imagine. I wish it is the other bigger Muslim festival when rams and cows are killed (shea, they call it Salah), I would have been expecting plenty of meat by now. Anyhow shaa… I will leave that excitement for then.
To all my  Muslim bloggers and friends, I wish you a happy celebration, I don't mind you sending my own party rice o. 
To all Nigerians, I wish you a happy Holiday.



  1. Ugo! U no use laugh kill me! Keep my party rice sha.

    1. On one condition; that you will come and have it and then admit that parry rice is real.

  2. really you are a party fellow, nice blog

    1. Thanks boss... The catch for me in any party is the party rice...Lol

      It's good to have you stop by here.

  3. Lolz. I was in the office yesterday, am there again today so enjoy your rice!!!

    1. Buh you were graced with Poundy and correct vegetable soup think I don't know?
