Sunday, 12 July 2015

She was my Beloved

People of God, how are you all today? In the spirit of the weekend and a blessed Sunday, I bring you greetings… May the peace of the Lord which is beyond all understanding continue to abide with you now and forever and ever… **and the people said Amen!** I just hope I have not missed my calling. Anyway, that’s gist for another day.

I have been having this nostalgic feeling since early this morning. I am sure you want to know why. Don’t worry, I will hint you. Some days back, 2014 batch B NYSC set passed out and I recounted how could relate with that set. What I did not tell you is that amongst them, I had a beloved, just like John was Jesus’ beloved. The only challenge is that unlike John who was the same gender with his master, my beloved was a female, not that she was my mistress o (because some of you can think far) …lol. How it all started, I can’t fathom at this point, but she came into my life and interestingly stuck, or so.
wondering mood activated
I will spare you the details of happenings between us while I was still in service, but the details probes my curiosity to an extent, and that is what motivates this post.
I don’t know how ladies think, buh how can I when I am a guy?…lol. Funnily, all guys don’t even think alike, I guess I should just write from how I think. Abi naa?
Now back to my beloved; from how I think, through her actions over the period I was close to her (proximity wise), I saw someone that wanted the best for me and of me at nearly all cost. I guess what got me scared was the extent to which she was ready to go to ensure that I was ok and the best amongst others. I would ask myself sometimes, “what did I do to deserve all these, abi dem send am?” I have come to realise that when a guy starts thinking that way, there are usually two possibilities; it’s either he takes advantage of the situation especially those times when her emotions are not guided (and in this case it’s nearly all the time) and pleasures himself which she would gladly oblige, or he runs for his dear life, not knowing why she is just what she is to him …lol. (that thought can scatter head o, although I know it still depends on what she has in mind).
Can two people of opposite sex be that close without strings attached, especially at this stage of life? What would get a lady (or a guy as the case may be) so interested in nearly all facets of a guy’s life, that she does her best continually to see to it that he improves in those places she feels he has shortcomings: your social, spiritual, psychological, even economic status etc. If a lady has something in mind in expressing constant kindliness to a guy, at what point is she supposed to tell the guy or is he supposed to just figure it out (unless he is saying he is daft after all the signals)? I am asking more of these questions referring to the ladies because you and I know the general notion people have about the female folks expressing some of their very special emotions in words to us, their male counterparts.
Again, I want to learn from you… Your comments will delight me. Thanks in anticipation.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.



  1. Hmmm! I don't think there's a one size fits all answer to this. It varies depending on the relationship and the people involved.

    1. ...which only makes me to wonder more. Guess I am up to it.

  2. Yes, genuine friendship do exist (two people of opposite sex can be friends without strings attached) except that majority has lost the values of friendship especially when one party isn't sincere, then abuse will be the case

    1. The value of frienship..hmm... that strikes a cord. Your comment is very insightful.
      Thank you Nkem.

  3. I can seriously relate to this post, just like me, I like being friends with guys, with any strings attach, but sorry to say, it is rare to find a guy who wants to be friends with a girl without any benefits. I have never met one, it's either they play along for money or s...

    By the way, I love your blog. never knew you were a blogger. Wouldn't have hurt for you to drop your link over at my end, even if for once, will it?.. will try and catch up on your posts from now on.. bye

    1. "it is rare to find a guy who wants to be friends with a girl without any benefits", that's my catch. You know, this notion as true as it may be, makes it nearly impossible for the exclusive ones to be true to their friendship for what it really is. Anyway, thats gist for another day.

      E-Rella, its a delight to have you discover my space finally. Sorry I never dropped my link at you end.

  4. If you think you are deserving of someone's love then it's not love. That is the whole essence of love.

    1. When one thinks that way, then something is wrong - obviously, the love is not mutual... and that's my point too... you get what I mean?

  5. Don't lie, there were many strings attached e.g G-string. *picks race*

    1. Tom-Tomi...hmm! What's G-stringsioo? Why pick race, where are you running to seef?
      Better come back and tell me o. *Grrrh*
