Sunday, 5 April 2015

Another Easter

It is yet another Easter. In a very special way, I wish you a happy Easter. How wonderful is it for me to know that Jesus Christ rose from the dead... now I am free. I am so thankful to the Lord. In short, I have tagged this years Easter an Easter of Thanksgiving, for the Lord has been so gracious to me.

The significance of Easter cannot be overemphasised. Being a Catholic, I no doubt celebrate Easter year-in, year-out. It pleases me that other Christian denominations, if not all, mark (or should I say celebrate) Easter too, though many shy from the season that precedes Easter, i.e. Lent. Looking at these seasons well enough, you will realise that they stand for their "significance", and that the day the Church has chosen to mark them are necessarily their actual dates of occurrence.

 LENT: Christ's suffering and death.
        EASTER: Christ's Resurrection from death.

Easter calls for rejoicing and celebration for the Lord has risen. There is rejoicing already going on in the heavenly. I have started rejoicing myself. As-pa celebration, I am putting finishing touches to my plans on how exquisite it would be. I am sorry you will miss out on it, but I encourage you to put up some form of celebration for yourself. 

Anyways, don't forget that the Risen Christ is the reason for our Joys and Happiness these season. So, celebrate like Christ would... Celebrate responsively.

Happy Easter ones again... Now let the Weddings Begin!