Sunday 6 September 2015

Be Thankful

Happy Sunday friends… To the Christians, hope you all went to church. To everyone, hope you are enjoying your day. I am enjoying mine and I am thankful to God for that.  Going through my favourite blogs in the past week, I have come to appreciate, even more, the importance of being thankful to God always. We all go through all sorts of things every day and no matter how big or small, how merry or gory, and we are still here… We need to be thankful and so, full-of-thanks to God.

Just on Saturday 5th of September, Ester Adeniyi celebrated her birthday, though she was broke, she still had a lot to be thankful to God for. My Blog Mother on the same Saturday also marked the two years anniversary of one of her blogs. Nkem (my blog - am sure she doesn't know this) just a day before i.e. on the 4th of September marked one year on blogville with lots of lessons learnt.
I narrated my keke accident experience to you, which occurred on Wednesday, 2nd September only for Adaeze to mention that she had a similar experience two days after. 
Only this morning Carina Jacob testified that God saved her and her household from a robbery incident, and Glowyshoes lamented over a heartbreak which she just got over from, announcing that she is back. For some others, it has been stress at their work places, working from Monday to Saturday (you know yourself) and some pressured from somewhere causing negative emotions to abound...
Our stories are different, but in all of it we need to constantly see reasons to be thankful to him always. It can only be God, if we involve God…
Now off I go to look for where I will eat ma Sunday Rice... I am thankful to God already because I know that I wont just see any rice, but Party Rice **winks**.  



  1. Giving glory to God is not an option, it is a must for everyone. Different people with different problems but only one Man to provide solution to all. So He deserved been glorified. Alhamdullilah (Thank God)

    1. But God is not a Man, He is God and just as you said, He deserves all the glory and thanks...

  2. Nma, there was no take away o... Ndo o! Don't worry, next time I will make sure there is party rice for you. **SmileS**

  3. Ahahahahhaha you really trailed these people

    Thank God we are thanking God on behalf of everyone and not otherwise!!!!

    Am still enjoying my leave though!!!

    1. I keep trail like trailer... lol. Maybe it is because I care or I am jobless.
      So you are on leave seef, no wonder...

  4. Thank God for God. His mercies are new every morning.

    1. ...and so I long for morning times. **SmilieS**

  5. Thou shall see party rice only if thou has kept party rice there.. Lolz

    1. Lol... my faith was made manifest o. I ate loads of part rice that day beyond my expectation.

  6. This post is for funny, you have a way of bring out smiles from your readers in your posts. Thanks for the mention (blog aunty lah?) and all thanks to God for keeping us safe. He is faithful you know?

    1. He is faithful, I know and that's the more reason we should keep giving him thanks....
      And so blog aunty... lol - you now know.

  7. True, we have to be thankful to God, each and every day. Thanks Ugo for the mention. God bless...

  8. I give God thanks for protecting myself and my family. It wasn't easy that night. God proved he is awesome, amazing and wonderful. He can never fail his children and I will continue to love and worship him. Thanks Ugo. May God bless u for this post.
